Imagine placing bacteria directly onto your face. And then pressing that bacteria in and making sure it covers every inch of your skin. Pretty nasty thought, right?! But did you know this is exactly what happens when you go too long between washing your makeup brushes? YIKES!

Makeup brushes will harvest bacteria if not cleaned regularly. And as a result of that, each time you do your makeup, you’re applying that bacteria straight onto your face. It makes me cringe just thinking about it!

Needless to say, keeping your brushes cleaned on a regular basis is one of the most essential parts to makeup application. Not only will keeping your brushes cleaned and sanitized aid in keeping your skin healthy, and thus giving you a clear and healthy canvas to work with, but cleaning your brushes regularly will preserve product too. I bet that didn’t even cross your mind, did it? This is due to the fact that product adheres to product, and so each time you add more product onto your brush to apply, part of it will cling to the product build-up in your brush instead of being applied to your face.

I personally like to clean my brushes about once a week, but as long as you do it at least every other week, you should be okay. But the more you do it, the better. And the most effective way I have found to clean my brushes is with Maskcara Beauty’s Restore brush cleaner. And let me tell you, it has been life changing for me! Sound a little over the top? Maybe it is. But let me walk you through my old brush cleaning routine so you can better understand where I am coming from.
- Rinse. I’d begin by rinsing my brushes. I always had to be conscious of how I held my brushes, because I had to be sure the water was running down the same direction as the bristles of my brush to avoid having the water go into the base of the brush handle. Water in the handle would risk the bristles coming unglued and falling out.
- Cleanse: I’d place a small amount of soap (about the size of a dime) into the palm of my hand and then dip the bristles of my brush into the the soap. I’d then begin rotating my brush bristles in my palm in circular motions while water continued to gently run onto the same spot on my hand.
- Disinfect: After I had cleaned all of the product out of my brushes with the soap, I had to disinfect them. I did this by mixing 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water and and then swishing the brush bristles around in the solution for a minute or two. Once I finished doing this, I had to go back to repeat step two (to get rid of the vinegar smell).
- Dry: I’d then Use a clean, dry towel to absorb any excess water from the bristles of my brush, and finish off by reshaping the bristles and laying them out flat to dry for 24-hours. This meant that I had to wash them immediately after I had applied my makeup in the morning to ensure they would be as dry as possible (it wasn’t uncommon for some of the denser brushes to still be a bit damp) for when I needed them again the next morning.
Seriously, just writing that all out gives me PTSD from having to do that every week prior to using the Restore Brush cleaner.

Do you want to know what my brush cleaning routine looks like now?
- Spritz the Restore Brush cleaner onto the bristles of my brush.
- Swirl bristles onto a towel until clean.
That’s it. That’s all of the steps. And here’s the kicker: not only does this clean my brushes, but it sanitizes them, conditions the bristles, and dries immediately!

So yeah, over the top or not, I’m sticking with my original statement that Restore Brush Cleaner has been life changing.
Now do yourself a favor and buy some for yourself. You need it in your life. Trust me.