Now that Thanksgiving is over and we have officially gotten our fill of pumpkin pie until next year, it’s time to start focusing on Christmas! I seriously love everything about this time of year. Especially the spirit of giving that seems to linger in the air all month long. As much as much as I love the giving and receiving of gifts, I definitely don’t want that to be the main thing my family and I focus on this December. Instead, I really want my crew to make this upcoming month all about serving others. So, to do that in a way that would keep us all excited and motivated, I created a printable 25 Days of Service Activities calendar that contains an act of service for the first 25 days of December.

We did something very similar to this last year, but a little less organized. But this year I wanted to make it easier to follow and remember, so I’m going to print off this calendar and hang it somewhere visible in my house. From there, my goal is for my family to carry out and cross off each activity on a daily basis until Christmas Day arrives. After every act of service has been done, my goal is for me and my family to talk about what our favorite activity was and why we liked it so much. By doing this, my hope is that my children’s hearts will be filled with the spirit of service not just during Christmas, but throughout the upcoming year!
I’m so excited to start this again! I know the impact it had on my family last year, and I look forward to creating more memories with my family and reminding us all what the true meaning of Christmas is really about. Interested in doing this month long service challenge with your family, or even on your own? Then download my 2019 25 Days of Service Activities calendar HERE! Each activity is easy to do and doesn’t require a lot of your time. Which is perfect for this busy time of year. Want a more in depth look at the service activities we will be doing this year? Check them out below!
2019 25 Days of Service Activities for the Christmas Season
December 1- Make dinner for a family in need and either deliver it to them or invite them over to your house to eat with you.
December 2- Leave laundry detergent and a roll of quarters outside a laundromat with a note attached to it explaining that these two items are for anyone to use.
December 3- Donate hygiene products to a local homeless shelter.
December 4- Donate toys/clothes to a local women’s shelter.
December 5- Put out a treat basket and a couple of water bottles for UPS and USPS drivers.
December 6- Donate winter clothing items to local schools for kids in need.
December 7- Take a treat to a local hospital nurses’ station.
December 8- Sing carols at a local rest home.
December 9- Help out at a local shelter.
December 10- Donate food to a local food bank.
December 11- Make a fleece blanket to donate to a children’s hospital.
December 12- Deliver care packages to local service men and women.
December 13- Leave a generous tip for a waiter or waitress.
December 14- Walk a neighbor’s dog for them.
December 15- Shovel/salt someone’s driveway and sidewalk.
December 16- Pass out candy canes at the entrance of a store.
December 17- Choose a name off an Angel Tree.
December 18- Take old towels and dog/cat food to a local shelter.
December 19- Donate old books to a local library.
December 20- Leave change in a vending machine.
December 21- Tape change to a parking meter.
December 22- Write and deliver a ‘Thank You’ card to someone.
December 23- Tape a $1 at the start of a candy aisle in a grocery store with a note attached to it that explains that the money should be used toward purchasing a favorite treat.
December 24- Make and deliver treats to neighbors.
December 25- Tell someone you love them.
What do you think of these 25 Days of Service Activities? Are there any service activities you enjoy doing but don’t see on my list? If so, I’d love for you to share the!
I hope you have so much fun serving others this Christmas!