Yesterday, the temperature in my home state officially reached the mid 30’s. Which tells me winter is officially here; and that’s something I definitely have mixed feelings about! As much as I love all of the winter holidays and the festivities that come along with it, I am not a fan of driving in the snow, and I absolutely hate the havoc the winter weather wreaks on my skin! Which is why it’s so important to stay on top of your winter skin care regimen!
With all the things we have to worry about during this time of year, it’s super easy to neglect the most important parts of our skin care routines. However, choosing to do that will allow the harsh conditions of the winter weather to suck your skin dry of any moisture it may have, and set you up for wrinkles that we are all desperately trying to avoid! So to help prevent that from happening, I’m taking on the role your magical skin care fairy godmother and sharing 7 of my favorite winter skin care tips that will keep your skin maintaining a youthful, dewy glow all winter long.

7 Winter Skin Care Tips You Should Definitely Follow This Year
1.Use lukewarm water!
It’s so tempting to take a hot shower when the temperatures drop, and I am definitely guilty of turning up the water’s heat more and more as my skin acclimates to the water temperature the longer my shower lasts. But did you know that it has been scientifically proven that hot water is one of the worst things you can put on your skin?! It’s true! Hot water dries your skin quickly, and if you don’t moisturize your skin right when you get out of the shower, you can develop cracks and winter eczema that will quickly speed up the process of wrinkles. Yikes! So instead, use lukewarm water. I know, I know, it’s not the most ideal! But just crank up the thermostat before you hop in the shower to make your house nice and toasty instead. Trust me, your skin will definitely thank you for it!
And if you want to capitalize on your shower, and trap the moisture on your skin from it, try out this Wet Skin Body Moisturizer from Jergens!
2. Drink up!
Water should always be your BFF. Especially during the winter because the air during this time of year is much drier, causing the moisture in your skin to evaporate quickly. So to help keep your body hydrated during this time of year, make it a habit to carry a water bottle with you wherever you go! Another tip: make sure to use a humidifier so that you can better control the moisture levels in your home.
Inspirational Water Bottle with Time Marker
3. Pay attention to what’s in your skin care products!
The best way to keep your skin happy and glowing during the winter is by using skin care products that moisturize your skin and have mild ingredients in them. Doing this will prevent your skin from being stripped of the natural moisture it contains, which will in turn keep your skin looking healthy all winter long. Maskcara has some really great moisturizing products that are gentle on the skin and help it maintain its natural moisture. You can check them out HERE and HERE!
4. Keep wearing sunscreen!
Even though you’re not outside nearly as much as you are during the summer, you still need to make sure you’re wearing sunscreen every day during the winter. Yes, putting on sunscreen can be annoying, and you already applied a ton of it during the summer. But believe it or not, you can still get sunburned during the winter, even if you’re only outside for a short amount of time. So make sure you’re applying sunscreen every day to keep the wrinkles at bay and protect your skin from any unnecessary damage. And an easy way I have found to do this is to use Maskcara’s Stay Setting Spray with SPF in it. Plus, it serves the dual purpose of setting my makeup too. Win/Win!
5. Keep exfoliating to a minimum!
Yes, exfoliating can be great for you skin. However, doing it too much, especially during the winter, can actually be harmful to your skin because your natural skin barrier is already being weakened by the continuous dry and cold winter weather. This doesn’t mean that you need to completely stop exfoliating. It just means that you need to keep it to a minimum and make sure to exfoliate no more than once a week. My favorite exfoliating products are this Milk Masque and The Cure.
6. Don’t forget about your neck, chest, and hands!
It’s easy to make sure you’re properly caring for the skin on your face because you see it every time you look in the mirror. But it’s also important to make sure you are taking care of the skin that covers the rest of your body too, including your neck, chest, and hands. These areas of your body can get exposed to the sun and harsh winter elements just as much as your face! And so don’t forget to apply moisturizer to these areas as well, and remember to wear gloves and a scarf when you are outside!
7. Be mindful of your lips!
Like the skin on your face, your lips also take a beating during the winter. If you aren’t careful about keeping them moisturized, they can quickly get dried out, resulting in either peeling skin or painful cracks. To keep this from happening, I suggest using the Maskcara Milk Lip Conditioner. Thanks to it’s compatible size, you can take this with you anywhere, making it super easy to apply and in turn, keeping your lips looking smooth and moist.
What are your favorite winter skin care tips? I’d love to know! And I hope these tips can help you keep your skin healthy and glowing this winter!