If you’ve seen my content, you’ve seen that I’ve spoken before about the amazing qualities of Seint Beauty’s new makeup line, Demi Colour. If you haven’t heard about this new trend in minimalist makeup, be sure to check out my other posts on Demi Colour here and here. Today I’m going to go over some Demi Colour do’s and don’ts.

Basics of Demi Colour from Seint
First, let’s recap the basics of Demi Colour from Seint Beauty. Demi Colour is a revolutionary new makeup line developed by Cara Brook. Cara looked around and wanted to celebrate the natural beauty every woman has. So through the use of color science and filtering out the distractions on your skin, Demi Colour allows you to celebrate your natural beauty and feel beautiful without a full face of traditional makeup.
Demi Colour Do’s and Don’ts
#1- Don’t Try to Cover Your Whole Face with Makeup
The beauty of Demi Colour is that it allows you to showcase your skin in its natural state. So this means you won’t be covering your face with a layer of foundation like you do with traditional makeup.
Do spot treat distractions with the filter edits
In the past, you may have slathered a layer of foundation across your face. But with Demi, you should use the Demi Colour edits to spot treat the distractions you see on your face. Demi Colour is not a color-correcting makeup product. Rather, it’s a product that allows you to filter areas of your skin that have an excess of color. Once you have filtered these distraction areas, you won’t need to worry about covering the other areas of your face with foundation. Your skin’s natural luminosity will show through!
#2- Don’t Try To Analyze Your Skin in a Dark Room
Have you ever tried to apply makeup or even pluck your eyebrows in a dark room? It’s nearly impossible, right? And the results you get when you try doing it are less than ideal. That’s why I always recommend that you don’t try to analyze your skin for distractions in a dark room or poor lighting.
Do make sure you use natural light to analyze your skin
For the best results with your Demi Colour edits, you should always analyze your skin’s distractions and apply your Demi Colour filters in natural light. This will allow you to see your skin in its true state without the filtering effects of harsh indoor lighting. It’s amazing what a difference this makes in how your skin looks and what shades you see!
#3- Don’t get discouraged by the learning curve of Demi Colour
This is my last tip on my list of Demi Colour do’s and don’ts. It is the biggest thing I want you to remember. Don’t get discouraged by the learning curve you will experience as you get used to thinking about makeup in a new way. Because Demi Colour is a new product, it’s normal to have questions as you learn how to apply it.
Do ask for help, I’m trained and ready to assist you!
Please ask me for help as you learn more about applying Demi Colour to your skin. Seint Beauty requires all of the Artists who sell Demi Colour to be specially trained in the science and application of Demi. This way, you know you’ll get the help you need from someone who knows the ins and outs of Demi. I am one of the Seint artists that have been trained and certified in Demi Colour. So you don’t need to worry about whether I can answer your questions, big or small. I’m here and happy to help! You can contact me here.
Demi Colour Do’s and Don’ts
There you have it! My top 3 Demi Colour do’s and don’ts for anyone who wants to know more about the amazing properties of Demi! I hope these helped answer your questions. I truly love the results that I have seen from wearing Demi Colour edits and filters. Thanks to this, it’s so nice to be able to be confident in my skin without a layer of traditional foundation all over my face.
For more information, and to get color matched for your own Demi Colour palette, contact me here. And to see more tips and tricks on Demi Colour and Seint Beauty’s IIID foundation products, be sure to check out my Instagram page!